Nonlinear Life Summer School 2024 - Edition 7th
Blended Intensive Programme on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics
The “Nonlinear Life Summer School” has been launched by Riga Technical University (RTU) in 2017.
This year, the Summer School «Nonlinear Life» is launched by the University of Salento as 2nd Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics and will be hold in Lecce, Italy in cooperation with other 4 European universities (Riga Technical University – Latvia, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca – Romania, University Politécnica of Cartagena – Spain, University of Bergamo – Italy, and University Politechnika of Poznan. The Nonlinear Life Summer School 2024 is a satellite event of the International Conference on eXtended Reality 2024.
Lectures will be online from 15th to 19th July and in presence in Lecce from 3rd to 9th September.
The previous editions of the school:
- Nonlinear Life Summer School 2017 – (Riga Latvia)
- Nonlinear Life Summer School 2018 – (Riga, Latvia)
- Nonlinear Life Summer School 2019 – (Trieste, Italy)
- Nonlinear Life Summer School 2021 – online
- Nonlinear Life Summer School 2022 – Bergamo (Italy) and Riga (Latvia)
- Nonlinear Life Summer School 2023 – Liepaja and Riga (Latvia)
The school is delivered in the manner of the convergence sciences approach, covering engineering disciplines related to human health and is open to Bachelor, Master and PhD students enrolled in programs related to health and engineering (Medicine, Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Biology, Health Engineering, Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics). The school is designed, through simple and intuitive explanations, to help students deepen their knowledge on the properties and peculiarities of the materials of biomedical devices.
Students will gain essential technical skills as well as acquire the most recent developments and prospects in the field with a multidisciplinary approach from engineers, materials scientists, and practitioners from the biomedical sector. Such skills will guide students in the choices they will make in their careers and will facilitate engineering students who in the future will be faced with the design and construction of new biomedical devices.
Converging sciences teams will be formed to develop engineering project concepts under the supervision of scientists of the partnering universities.
A good command of the English language is essential.
In addition, participants will have the unique opportunity to attend the lectures of the International Conference on eXtended Reality 2024 (XR Salento 2024) organized from the University of Salento and held in Lecce from 4th to 6th September 2024.
During the conference, students will have access to lunches and coffee breaks reserved for conference participants and will be involved in the social activities planned (with the exception of the gala dinner).
A certificate of attendance and 3 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) will be awarded upon successful completion of the program.
The deadline for the application is 31 July 2024.
As stated by Erasmus+ regulation, the sending institution will fund with Erasmus Grant the mobility for studies and teaching, covering travel and accomodation.
The University of Salento will cover expenses associated with the programme's preparation, design, development, implementation, and follow-up, including the execution of virtual/remote activities, and overall management and coordination and lunch for all students participating in the Summer school.
Participants funded by Erasmus+ BIP are exempt from participation fees.
Other participants may be subject to the participation fee (€ 400).
But it is possible to have more than 20 participants in the BIP project (up to 60 participants). Whether they can be funded or not, must then be decided by the sending institution.